Where to meet a good guy?

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Petite bestiole
Petite bestiole
Messages : 129
Enregistré le : 20 Déc 2019, 13:08

Where to meet a good guy?

Messagepar Vynnetanon » 14 Aoû 2020, 07:45

I realized a long time ago that I am gay and it is not negotiable. You better advise me a good gay dating site. I dream of finding myself a good guy for life together. Thank you in advance.

Petite bestiole
Petite bestiole
Messages : 124
Enregistré le : 20 Déc 2019, 11:49

Re: Where to meet a good guy?

Messagepar Heridan » 14 Aoû 2020, 12:07

If you are a good person, but cannot find yourself a partner, then you can try to do it on the web-site. I am sure that good people have very many chances to find love on this site! For example, I managed to do it and you will succeed! I have been on this site for 3 months now and enjoy it!

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